Diseño Javier Guerra (más diseños en nuestra tienda): http://ninnorojo.blogspot.com/

(1897 – 1986)
Variations sur un thema de Scriabin
(1806 – 1856)
(1901 – 1999)
Un tiempo fue Italica famosa
*** trencar ***
(1784 – 1849)
Rondo Brillant op 2 no 2
(1935 – 2009)
Music of memory (1989)
Sanel Redžić (Tuzla, 1988) es considerado uno de los más prometedores
intérpretes de la nueva generación de guitarristas. Comenzó sus estudios musicales bajo la tutela de Muhidin Durmanovic and Nedim Tinjic a los ocho años en su ciudad natal, Tuzla. En 2007 finalizó sus estudios de grado medio con el profesor Predrag Stankovic con las máximas calificaciones. Actualmente prosigue sus estudios superiores en la Hochschule
für Musik “Franz Liszt” en Weimar, Alemania con el profesor Thomas Müller Pering.
Ha ofrecido cerca de 100 conciertos en Bosnia‐Herzegovina, Serbia, Croacia, Hungría, Eslovenia, Bulgaria, Austria, Alemania, Suiza, España, Francia, Italia y Grecia, obteniendo el recocimiento del público y de la crítica musical. Desde el año 2005, Sanel ha ganado trece premios internacionales en concursos como “Forum Gitarre Wien” (Austria), Markneukirchen (Alemania), “Anna Amalia” Weimar (Alemania), “Andres Segovia” Velbert (Alemania) Kutna
Hora (República Checa), “Guitarmania” Lisboa (Portugal), “Guitar Art Festival”
Belgrado (Serbia). Ha recibido lecciones magistrales de importantes intérpretes
internacionales como Costas Cotsiolis, Judicael Perroy, Denis Azabagić, Petr Saidl, Jorgos Panetsos, Thomas Offerman, Jozef Zsapka, Anastasia Bardina, Darko Petrinjak, Zoran Kraišnik, Saša Dejanović, entre otros.
En 2007 la discográfica “Gramofon” de Sarajevo editó su primer trabajo discográfico. Actualmente, Sanel está finalizando la grabación de su segundo cd para “Gramofon”, que saldrá editado en 2009.
Premios internacionales:
I premio ‐ Guitar Art Festival Belgrade 2005
I premio ‐ Forum Gitarre Wien 2005
I premio ‐ International guitar competition Szeged 2007
I premio ‐ International GitarFest Banja Luka 2007
I premio ‐ Anna Amalia guitar competiton Weimar 2009
I premio ‐ International biennal guitar competition Kutna Hora 2009
II premio ‐ Anna Amalia guitar competiton Weimar 2005
II premio ‐ Andres Segovia guitar competition Velbert 2006
II premio ‐ International biennal guitar competition Kutna Hora 2007
II premio ‐ International guitar competition "Guitarmania" Lisbon 2009
III premio ‐ International guitar competition Split 2008
premio especial ‐ Andres Segovia guitar competition Velbert 2006
premio especial ‐ International instrumental competition Markneukirchen 2009
Sanel toca con una guitarra Otto Vowinkel y cuerdas Savarez.
Sanel Redžić (Tuzla, 25th July 1988) is considered to be one of the most promising guitarists of the coming generation. He started to play guitar at age of 8 in elementary music school in Tuzla
under the tutelage of Muhidin Durmanović and Nedim Tinjić and went on with his musical education with prof. Predrag Stanković with whom he finished secondary music school in 2007 with the highest marks. After that he pursued his studies at the Hochschule für Musik "Franz Liszt" in Weimar with professor Thomas Müller ‐ Pering.
Moreover, his first guitar concert was in Tuzla when he was 14 and played many concerts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy and Greece where all concerts were highly received by the audience and the music critics. Sanel has seen competitions as a possibility to make progress in his career and in the period of 2005 ‐ 2009 Sanel won thirteen international prizes at
international guitar competitions like "Forum Gitarre Wien", Markneukirchen, "Anna Amalia" Weimar, "Andres Segovia" Velbert, Kutna Hora, "Guitarmania" Lisbon, "Guitar Art Festival" Belgrade. During his secondary school he participated in masterclasses held by Costas Cotsiolis, Judicael Perroy, Ricardo Gallen, Denis Azabagić, Petr Saidl, Jorgos Panetsos, Thomas Offerman, Jozef Zsapka, Anastasia Bardina, Darko Petrinjak, Zoran Kraišnik, Saša Dejanović and many others. In June 2005 Sanel was presented the award “The teenager of Tuzla ”, year 2004/2005. In 2006 Sanel recorded his first cd for "Gramofon" from
Sarajevo and "Gramofon" will also publish Sanel's second cd during 2009.
International prizes:
I prize ‐ Guitar Art Festival Belgrade 2005
I prize ‐ Forum Gitarre Wien 2005
I prize ‐ International guitar competition Szeged 2007
I prize ‐ International GitarFest Banja Luka 2007
I prize ‐ Anna Amalia guitar competiton Weimar 2009
I prize ‐ International biennal guitar competition Kutna Hora 2009
II prize ‐ Anna Amalia guitar competiton Weimar 2005
II prize ‐ Andres Segovia guitar competition Velbert 2006
II prize ‐ International biennal guitar competition Kutna Hora 2007
II prize ‐ International guitar competition "Guitarmania" Lisbon 2009
III prize ‐ International guitar competition Split 2008
special prize ‐ Andres Segovia guitar competition Velbert 2006
special prize ‐ International instrumental competition Markneukirchen 2009
Sanel plays Otto Vowinkel 2004 and Petr Matousek 2009 guitars and
"Savarez” strings...
"This exceptionally talented guitar player shows a musical ripeness unusual for his
Miroslav Tadic
"The music potential of this young soloist is extraordinary. He has doors to serious
music career wide open.”
Dnevnik Novi Sad, Serbia
"guitar player with impressive skills"
Jazzthetik, Germany
"His technique is just excellent, his sense for sound, for subtle colours and his
instinct for expressive dynamics, tension, dimensions and drama in the music could
be described as rare and quite unique particularly
in his approach to substantial
contemporary music."
Thomas Müller Pering, Germany
"Guitarist with intense dynamics and stage performance"
Matthias Huth, Germany